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2008/11/11 来源:中国孤独症支援网 作者:佚名 字体: 发表评论 打印此文


















The range of the autism spectrum is vast, but in general children with autism need to be able to "take in" new surroundings.

What does this mean for families with children who are autistic?

Note: The Autism Society of America sites autism in the United States as occurring in one out of every 150 births.

New Environments Can Be All-Encompassing

Children with autism often seem to be unaware of other people. They may have difficulty making eye contact or carrying on a conversation. Often, other people appear to be non-existent to them. New environments (a store, a room, a park, etc.) are different. Children with autism may tend to explore those new places in a number of ways.

Reaction to How Things Look

Visual stimuli can have a strong impact on children on the autism spectrum. They may become obsessed with the visual stimuli in the place. Lights or dangling/blowing objects may have their full attention.

Reaction to How Things Feel

Children with autism are said to crave certain tactile stimuli. They may be attracted to certain “feels” – something that is soft or rough. Even though this is true, they may also find the way things feel as upsetting. For example, the tags on clothing may be a source of discomfort.

They may want to explore the pebble rocks on the playground by running their hands through them. While this is not a problem in and of itself, parents and caregivers will need to watch to make sure that the rocks are not put in the child’s mouth.

Reaction to Smells

Children on the autism spectrum often want to smell things. This can present certain social concerns, and while it is important to let the child explore his new environment, it goes without saying that appropriate social behaviors must be taught.

Tips for Parents

Try to visit new places such as classrooms, daycare, and camps ahead of time.

Allow time for the child on the autism spectrum to explore new environments. Safety and social appropriateness of this exploration are important.

Allow for the child’s need for certain sensory stimuli to ease some extreme exploration. For example, children on the autism spectrum have a need for tactile stimuli. Some children may respond well to what professionals call deep pressure techniques such as wearing a weighted vest or brushing. When considering these options, it is crucial that parents plan with an educator or occupational therapist who knows the child and his unique needs.

Be ready to educate those around you about your child’s need to explore new places. Enlist their help on reinforcing appropriate social behaviors.

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